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About To Begin: How A Ceramic Artist Turned Her Craft into a Circular Business

About To Begin: How A Ceramic Artist Turned Her Craft into a Circular Business

Based in Germany, About To Begin creates handmade minimalist ceramic homewares that add elegance to your home.

By noissue 05 January, 2022

There’s no denying the appeal of a beautiful piece of homeware. Our homes, after all, are where we spend most of our time, so it’s only right that we make our spaces feel calm and inviting! And one of the best ways to do that is through beautiful ceramic homewares that double as pieces of art.  And if you’re looking for just that, you’d have to look no further than the Germany-based homeware store About To Begin.

Whether or not you’re a pottery and ceramic enthusiast, in looking through About To Begin’s store, you’d immediately be entranced by their collections of elegant, minimalist ceramics. From pearl-toned cups to stoneware bowls, everything at About To Begin holds a modern minimalist charm, while still being handy enough for everyday use. This is precisely what Patricia, the creator behind the brand, had always intended. Since beginning the business in 2019, clean and classic looks with a dash of extravagance had always been her signature design: regular cups are given unique handles, or vases are given a special glaze that accentuates their form. To add an extra touch of branding to her pieces, Patricia uses noissue’s compostable Stickers, customized with her handwritten logo!

Pottery hadn’t always been what Patricia set out to do, although it had always been in her periphery as a Fine Arts graduate. After attending one pottery workshop, she then knew that it was the right path to take. She immediately fell in love with the physical rhythm of the craft, and how it allowed her to make small treasures to surround herself with in everyday life. She soon wanted to share these treasures with others, and thus, About To Begin was created!

Her brand’s one-of-a-kind name stands for the new beginnings and possibilities that each day brings, and it’s this same feeling that she hopes her creations carry to her customers’ homes. No two pieces at her store are the same, and for Patricia, this also acts as an analogy for the different ways we all move through life! Patricia works solely with natural materials, which is a rewarding process both for her as an artist, and for the good of the earth.

“It is the most wonderful process to me, to use materials coming from the earth to create pieces to grow fond of with my own hands. [...] I hope to incorporate my joy of pottery into my pieces and spread it by putting my designs out there in the world.”

Pottery is by nature a circular and sustainable craft—almost everything involved can be reused and recycled! This mindset is also what guides Patricia’s studio lifestyle. She produces everything by hand and in small batches to leave as minimal waste as possible, as well as to ensure that each piece is created with the utmost care and dedication. For every piece she creates, the effect goes both ways: it’s an act of self-care for Patricia, and it produces beautiful homeware pieces for her customers.

Another vital aspect of Patricia’s mission of giving back to the earth is by using circular and plastic-free materials in her packaging. This was always non-negotiable since the very beginning, and when she came across noissue’s recycled and compostable Stickers, she knew it was a no-brainer. Her Stickers are adorned with her handwritten logo—a simple, yet vital element of her branding, which has also created better unboxing experiences for her customers!

“The creation setup was really easy and the price very reasonable. I am super happy with how my stickers turned out as they will be the icing on the cake to each piece’s unboxing experience.”

Environmental responsibility is something Patricia regularly works toward as she grows her brand. An additional step she’s taken to do that is by joining the Eco-Alliance community at noissue, where her every order of circular packaging contributes to climate action initiatives around the globe! Being part of the community also puts her alongside small businesses of all kinds that are similarly dedicated to building a better future for the planet, and to signal her commitment to her customers.

“I chose to join the Eco-Packaging Alliance as I think it is a great way to show my decision for sustainable packaging to my customers. Being part of a network with other makers who put emphasis on sustainability in their working habits is something I value very much, too. I think the Eco-Alliance is a great sign to other companies and purchasers in general that the future of packaging is environmentally friendly.”

Her ongoing journey into circularity is something Patricia soon hopes to share with her community, from her sustainable creative process to her compostable packaging. This certainly sets her apart in the industry, alongside her unique designs! Everything you’ll find at About To Begin is truly unlike any other in the market. Finally, as a business owner, Patricia also takes extra care to build friendly relationships with her customers, so that they always leave with a pleasurable experience.

The journey wasn’t always an easy one. Before becoming a full-time small biz owner, Patricia had been juggling her craft with her day job as an employee for another company. She officially decided to take on a new direction after several significant life events in 2020, including becoming a mother to a baby boy, as well as battling an illness that left her bedridden. With the support of her significant other, she took the leap to turn her craft into an official business in early 2021, and is still riding along that journey to this day!

As for others who hope to follow in her footsteps, Patricia’s foremost advice is to take your time. Learning pottery—or any craft—takes lots of time and practice! She also encourages reaching out to others who are on similar journeys, and to find your own community.

With her heart for her craft, dedication to the earth, and commitment to her community, Patricia—and every piece she creates—are definitely the kind worth treasuring.

Find more of About To Begin here:‌‌‌‌‌
Website:‌ abouttobegin.com
Instagram: @abouttobegin.ceramics

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